It's Time to Prepare for the College Application Process!

Summer is a very busy time for students entering senior year and for their families as well! While it can be a time to have fun and relax, it is also an important time to think about the future. Your Journey To College consultants are available to assist you with the entire college application process. We meet with you individually to help you develop a list of schools you would be excited to attend. With our focused research and knowledge, we will help you find the colleges that match your preferences, goals, and financial criteria. Your personal college consultant will provide a detailed timeline and assist with completing college applications, the activity resume, editing the essays and submitting all the information to meet your deadlines. Use this summer to be proactive and remain organized so the application process proceeds smoothly in the fall! 

Counseling & Consulting Services

Your Journey To College offers a wide array of services for the high school student and their family in order to complete an effective college search. This application process will give your child the opportunity to select and apply to the colleges that match their goals and preferences.

Selecting a college is a family decision as your child enters a new phase in their life. This process may include some struggles and anxiety along the way; there is no reason why this new phase can't be enjoyable as well as productive! 

Start your journey today! Go to

Books We Recommend

Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges 
The Gatekeepers: Inside the Admission Process of a Premier College 
Up Your Score – The Underground Guide to the SAT
Cracking the ACT – Princeton Review
Colleges That Change Lives – Loren Pope
Fiske Guide to Colleges 
The Secrets of College Success
The College Finder: Choose the School That’s Right for You – Steven Antonoff
K & W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD 
– Princeton Review
Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD – Peterson’s
40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College 
US News Best Colleges 
A Is For Admission – Michele Hernandez
College Board Book of Majors 
The Ultimate Scholarship Book  - Gen Tanabe & Kelly Tanabe

On Writing the College Application Essay
The Key to Acceptance at the College of Your Choice – Harry Bauld
The Best 376 Colleges 
The Hidden Ivies - 50 Top Colleges From Amherst to Williams That Rival the Ivies
Medical School Admissions Requirements 

The Most Authoritative Guide to US and 
Canadian Medical Schools Association of American Medical Colleges
Making College Count - A Real World Look at How to Succeed In and After College
Parenting From Your Soul: 

A Spiritual Approach to Raising Children with Compassion and Wisdom