Applications Do's & Don'ts

Here are some tips for students who will be filling out college applications this summer. The Common Application becomes active on August 1st, so get ready!
Applications Do's & Don'ts:
Make sure there are no spelling errors at all on your application. (Make sure your name is spelled correctly; errors have happened)
Answer every question completely and thoroughly.
Highlight your strengths and talents so you stand out from the crowd.
Be selective about who you ask to write your recommendation; make sure they know you well and give them information to draw from. Waive your right to see this information as that decision is noted at the college level.
Complete all optional sections of the application, including essays.
Submit earlier rather than later: watch deadlines carefully.
Choose an appropriate email address for correspondence with admissions officials.
Watch content you post on social media sites: this may be investigated.

Omit information or provide incorrect information on applications.
Forget to attach a comprehensive activity resume that showcases your accomplishments outside of the classroom.
Procrastinate and begin to work on this information at the last minute. It will be reflected in your application.
Submit a poorly written essay; this is an integral part of your application.
Portray a picture of someone you are not; you should be looking for the right fit for you!
Forget to complete supplemental applications if required; scholarship and honors programs may entail a separate application as well.

Check out our comprehensive list of do's and don'ts at:

Good luck!

Extra-curricular Activities Matter

Getting involved in extra-curricular activities is important for many reasons. These experiences allow high school students to meet other individuals who share similar interests and they may develop new friendships this way. Exploring new venues could lead to interest in a career path for a student as well. Listing activities, both in and out of school, is part of the college application and students can create an activity resume that is included with their application. It is a positive factor when there are activities to list, such as clubs, sports, special talent areas, employment, or volunteer experiences. A substantial listing could positively sway a decision. Admission officials want students on their campus who are active and involved; a student who is active in high school is more likely to make contributions to the college community. 

Encourage your child to remain active in areas they enjoy.Remember to keep a list of all activities from grade nine on. Keep in mind that it is preferable to show dedication and commitment to a few areas than have a listing of many areas that reflects little investment.

Check out this site for a comprehensive listing of Long Island volunteer opportunities:

The College Essay

The college essay is the part of the application that students often dread and procrastinate about however, it is an integral part. It is also one that needs a significant amount of time and attention. The essay is the chance for applicants to showcase aspects of themselves which define who they are and to show what sets them apart from other students. The essay will provide an opportunity for the student to highlight their values, strengths and talents as well as show what matters to them. They are given the opportunity to show what experiences they have been affected by as well. The essay should reflect the applicant's strongest attributes and passions. It should be well-written, creative and error-free.

Here are some tips for writing an essay that stands out:

Be yourself and be authentic. Misrepresenting yourself will not benefit you in finding a school that is a good match. In addition, admissions counselors are adept at reading between the lines and sniffing out inauthentic writing. The "voice" of a seventeen year old differs from that of an adult. Although your essay should be grammatically correct and error-free, make sure the words and content are your own.

Make sure to highlight what will set you apart from other students: This is not a time to brag, but it is not a time to be shy either. Show, rather than tell, through a creative avenue what you will bring to the college campus. Admissions counselors are looking to create a diverse campus community. What will you contribute?

Dedicate time to the process of writing an exceptional essay. Don't procrastinate; revise, revise & revise!

Make your essay interesting for the reader. Admission counselors read tons of essays. Let yours stand out by writing a creative story that captures their interest, while demonstrating who you truly are.

Ask for opinions from parents, relatives, counselors or teachers and listen to the feedback with an open mind however, the decision on what the essay should consist of should be yours.

Some other tips:

Don't ever plagiarize.
Try removing the first and last paragraph and see if it looks cleaner.
Humor is subjective and can be misconstrued; use it carefully.
Don't be wordy; get your point across in a concise manner.

Enjoy the process and view it as your opportunity to find a great match!

Websites for College Planning

College research can be overwhelming. There is a wealth of information available and sometimes it is hard to know where to look. Our consultants have compiled an exceptional list of on-line resources to assist with college planning and research. We have listed sites that provide information on topics such as: resources for students with disabilities, information for athletes, SAT & ACT preparation, planning tools and organizers, college fairs and tours as well as scholarship and financial aid advice. Check out the list at:

College Costs

A recent Newsday article shared that a survey conducted of the nation's college freshmen  found the percentage of students attending their first-choice college is at the lowest level in four decades. Students and their families are becoming more mindful of college costs and are shying away from taking out exorbitant loans. The survey conducted by UCLA found that while more than three-quarters of those who started college were accepted to their first choice school, only about half of those decided to attend. Cost is increasingly become a predominant factor in college decisions.

Prospective college students need to carefully compare college costs, including room and board, books, travel expenses, and spending money. The first tuition bill that arrives shortly after making a deposit can be a rude awakening for many. Look carefully at your college list to make sure it includes "financial safeties". Although the prospect of researching colleges can be exciting, do not get swept away by the process and disregard college costs as part of the picture. It is important to have a candid discussion within the family early in the process about this. Don't forget to look for "no loan" colleges — ones who have made a commitment to reduce student loan debt. In addition, consider premier public universities in and out of state. You can also compare merit aid rates at colleges and see if you qualify for scholarship money.

Below is a useful government site that helps you compare college statistics such as merit aid percentage and estimated cost of attendance based on income:

The Parent's Role in the Application Process

What is the role of the parent in the college application process? Our approach is to have the student become as independent as they can be throughout this process. This will help to prepare them for the level of independence they will need to be successful on the college campus. The majority of meetings and contact time will take place with the student and the college consultant. We understand that this process involves a number of family decisions and we are always available to address any questions or concerns from parents via telephone sessions, email correspondence, Skype and in person. It is important for our consultants to have parent input as selecting a college involves a lot of choices including distance from home and college costs. Read through our informational article on how the parent can best help their child through this process:

Information for Athletes

If you are a student athlete and plan on playing a Division 1 or 2 Level sport at college, now is the time to reach out to coaches at the colleges you are interested in. Send an email or place a phone call to introduce yourself and forward a copy of your transcript, testing scores, and athletic resume. High school students should become familiar with NCAA regulations and procedures for clearing as an athlete beginning in grade nine. Make sure you are aware of the approved courses listed for your particular high school and take a look at the chart that shows you how you can clear by NCAA standards. Check out the resources at for more information.


There are many scholarships sources available as you plan to meet the expenses of college costs. There are a vast amount of private scholarships available and the criteria is based on factors such as academic achievement, talent, community service, essay writing and nationality. Colleges offer merit based scholarships and this information can be found on each website or at Don't overlook sources such as parent's employers, banks, unions and organizations you belong to. While applying for these scholarships takes time and dedication, it can pay off! Read through our free informational article found on our Products page. Below you will find helpful online resources for scholarship searches:

Students with Disabilities

For students with disabilities, it is crucial to research programs on college campuses to ensure a good match. Services and programs vary considerably in size and support offered. A visit to the Office of Disability Services to discuss the assistance necessary to ensure a smooth transition is suggested. Read our informational article with tips and suggestions:


Learn About College Statistics

Approximately one quarter of freshman do not return to the same college for sophomore year. It is important that prospective college students complete focused research as well as give serious thought to factors in a college that are important to them. Look through our free informational articles on our Products page such as: Finding the Right Fit, The Top 5 Statistics to Know About Colleges and Factors To Consider.

Choosing a College Major

Choosing a college major often produces confusion and anxiety for high school students. It is important to note that many students are undecided about a major. Seniors in high school are still getting to know themselves and the careers that exist. It is perfectly fine not to declare a major when applying to college. Admissions officers share that it is very common for applicants to choose "undeclared" as a major on college applications. They also say that over seventy percent of students that do choose a major upon admission change their mind at some point, often more than once.
Many college majors contain general education courses that you can take for a year or two while you explore some areas as long as you declare a major by the end of your second year. Majors such as nursing, engineering, architecture, and pharmacy are more structured and if choose that major later on in the process, it may require some extra time for you to finish your degree.

It is important to give thought to what you like as far as coursework in high school and what you might enjoy in regard to a work environment. The perfect combination combines your talents and interests. Try out new classes, join a few clubs, volunteer in an organization or two, and do some career-based research and exploration. Register for job-shadowing opportunities and internships. Try this free career exploration website and see what you discover: